Banish the generic!
We’ve got more choices than we’ve ever had at any time in our history. From coffee to cufflinks, it’s a bespoke world and one size no longer fits all.
We put our own signature on this world: from the name we sign, to the way we look, feel and talk. We have our quirks, our loves, our hates and our foibles and that’s something to be acknowledged and celebrated.
Yes, personalisation can be pointless at times (I’m not sure little dogs need to be able to check their names on their stuff), but when it comes to sleep, it’s essential. Even when we’re dead to the world, every one of us is different.
Who would walk into the doctor’s and ask for whatever the previous patient had? Sit down, tell us your story and we’ll write you the perfect prescription.
If you’re a flapper, flailer or fidget when you sleep, you need calm, consistent comfort to help you settle into slumber. If you have trouble keeping warm or staying cool, you need a breathable, but cosy, cover-up that cocoons you in your own body warmth, without weighing you down. Allergies? A healthy, hypo-allergenic environment is essential and now it’s easier than ever to maintain.
Think you don’t have any particular requirements? Well how about a crisp, clean bed, with smooth, soft linen and a pillow that will always offer up a cool side? You know what we’re talking about - the small, individual pleasures that add up to big differences.
Do I need my initials embroidered on my towels? Nope - I stopped needing name tapes when I left primary school. When bedtime comes around, however, I do want to feel that my night-time haven is just for me. I want to be reminded of the great choices I’ve made and to luxuriate in the little nest of luxury I’ve feathered for myself.
If none of this mattered, we could all live in Youth Hostels!